Clark-Powell Audio Visual Insights

What You Need to Know About Digital Signage Content

Written by ClarkPowell | Jan 16, 2017 1:20:28 PM

The “WOW” factor and novelty of digital signage may have worn off a few years ago, but that only makes its use more imperative for businesses on the cutting edge of technology. Today’s consumers expect a high-tech, interactive, fun experience, whether they are shopping at their favorite mall, visiting a public facility, going to the bank, or just setting foot in a company’s corporate headquarters for a meeting or a job interview.


And while they fully expect digital signage to be part of the experience, consumers also need a strong reason to engage with that signage, whether it delivers unique content, unexpected surprises, or fun interactivity.


As much as digital signage has passed the stage of “brand new technology,” businesses are just beginning to realize the technological capabilities available to create user-centric, responsive interfaces and catch attention beyond a passing glance. For your clients, optimizing digital signage to spread their messages has never been easier or more profitable, but it’s up to you, as the commercial integrator, to lead the way.


Content is King so How do You Nail Digital Content

Digital content is no longer about words on a screen—it’s about creating stunning visual imagery, relevant video, and exciting new ways to interact with content. It’s proven to be a strong platform for clients to experiment with message delivery, and it has evolved to create a highly competitive market in which companies try to outdo one another for consumer attention.


Here are some examples of what great digital signage can do should inspire you to mix up your content techniques and embrace clever new ways to show consumers you mean business. With the capability to create dynamic and relevant digital content, network managers control the ways employees communicate with customers—making digital signage an unparalleled resource when it comes to building and sharing innovative content.


To get results you're shooting for it is important test and analyze the timing of the message and the type of content in relation to the audience they’re addressing. Using the analytics available through most digital signage platforms, you can test different messages at different times of day to discover what works best for your target audience. Customers must find the content relevant, interesting, and engaging for a digital signage campaign to be successful. Viewers desire to make a connection with a brand through digital signage, enabling them to feel more confident about their purchase or their decision, whether that means choosing a specific financial product or ordering a sandwich. To achieve that relevance and connection with their customers, you must understand the demographics of your target audiences and deliver the message that audience wants, when they want it.


Optimize Digital Marketing with These Tips

  1. Combine marketing and IT. It takes both the marketing/communications and the IT sectors of a business to fully realize the potential of digital signage. You must be aware that the responsibility of posting content does not lie with one group; all parties must collaborate to succeed. The IT team will need to know how to work with the most recent software available, while the marketers will be in charge of creating content.
  2. Understand digital signage. You need to understand your digital signage systems and that is where ClarkPowell comes to the rescue. WE do not simply install and walk away Our after installation training allows you to fully grasp the scope of capabilities of your digital sign system; what it has to offer—such as a responsive interface or touchscreen interactivity—will allow you to use the technology to its full potential.
  3. Track the success of digital signage campaigns. Recent digital signage technologies allow you to track user engagement via motion sensors, video cameras, and touch data. Software sends digital information directly to your computer, where you can analyze the data and use it for future content marketing efforts. This way, your digital sign acts not only as a hook, but also as a research tool to measure content effectiveness.

As technology evolves and improves, digital signage’s ability to reach a massive audience, hook users, and spread messages organically continues to grow.  You can help make sure you are optimizing your digital signage and give your content the chance to shine by laying the foundation for strong digital signage marketing campaigns and assisting, as needed, throughout the life of the account.